08222018 – CrossFit

I had the realization this morning that due to my new work schedule I probably won’t be able to workout in the mornings at Solcana anymore.  My work day will start at 7am and class ends at 6:30.  With a 15 minute commute, that doesn’t leave much time to cool-off and shower.  Showering while sweating isn’t super helpful!

Today we worked on Overhead Squats. I liked the overhead squat warm-up that we did with the PVC.  It was a little challenging, but really worked on the skills needed.  We were to work up to a heavy set of 5 in 4-5 sets.  I started with 65, went to 75, and then did 85.  85 was a little challenging and I had trouble keeping the bar from falling forward.  I’ve done higher weights, but that was what I had for today for a set of 5.  Morgen complemented my progress and form improvements.

The MetCon included 400m runs!! So I liked that.  The plan was

4 Rounds for time of

400m run

Snatch 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 (each round descended number of reps but increased weight)

I chose Silver which had the following weights: 65 – 75 – 85 – 95.  It appears my score wasn’t recorded.  I remember coming in after the 2nd run and seeing 5 minutes on the clock.  The first run was good.  About halfway through the snatches we found out that we could do Power Snatches.  That is obviously a time and body saver!  The runs got harder and while the actual snatches got heavier the work went quicker.  It was a good workout. I hope we do it again!

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