We rolled in last night around 11pm after almost 12 hours of traveling. So I wasn’t super stoked when the alarm went off at 4:50am, but it was nice to be back at the gym!
After our warm-up we hit the Sumo Deadlifts. Since I missed last week’s lifts I didn’t do the weights as described. I did 6×5 at 155#’s. It felt good, a little heavy but not too bad.
Once we finished them we did a rowing workout. It was 8 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off of max calorie row. We alternated people on the rowers so it wasn’t exactly one minute off, but close enough! I finished with 171 calories over the 8 minutes of work. I averaged 22 calories per minute with 21 being the lowest and 24 calories the highest (on the last one).
It felt great to be back.