37 Years ago…
We started a 9 minute EMOM complex with the following three movements: 30 seconds of jump rope, kettlebell rack reactive step up, and banded pull throughs. The reactive step up was basically a touch and go step up with the foot going down and popping right back up, focusing on the glute. The banded pull through was similar to a kettlebell swing, using a band attached to the bottom of the rig. It felt a little weird.
Today’s strength was tempo Overhead Squats. We picked the weight that we could 3×5 at with a tempo scheme of 3 seconds down, hold for 2 seconds, fast up and a 1 second pause at the top. I opted for 65# and that was a good choice by the end. It is actually a long time to be holding the bar overhead each round. The other hard part was the pause at the top. It was hard to catch your breath and reset for the next one that quickly.
The MetCon was another doozy. I went with the Gold workout, it was tricky as it was a 3 minute round, repeated 5 times. With NO rest. So basically a 15 minute workout. The movement?
30 American Swings 35#
Max effort burpees jump over bench.
Yup that was rough. The score was the total number of burpees. Here is what I remember doing:
13 (for some reason I thought we were done and then Kaitlin said and round 4. Oh MAN!)
The kettlebell got really heavy in the last two rounds. I know I can swing the 50# kettlebell, but I’m glad I didn’t!!