07252018 – CrossFit

We became animals today and warmed up with a few different animal walks! I had never done the Gorilla walk before, it was interesting as you basically fell forward and tried to get your feet in front of your hands.

The strength work was on the rings again. 3 second plank hold with slow lower and quick back up. We did it as an 8 minute EMOM. It is surprisingly hard!

And then the MetCon. It was a long burner with a 25 minute time cap. I could have done the Platinum except for double unders. The Silver had single unders but the weight for Wall Balls wasn’t heavy enough for me to feel like I challenged myself. So I did the Gold for everything but the jump rope. The jump rope difference was huge on this one. 100 double unders or 300 single unders. 100 dubs attempts would have taken for ever so I did the 300!

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here was the workout that I did:

40 Wall Ball 14#

30 Box Jumps 20″

50 Cal Row

300 Single Unders

50 Cal Row

30 Box Jumps

40 Wall Ball

Two of us switched up the order to accommodate space.  My overall time was 17:55.  It definitely hurt by the end!  I did almost 100 single unders in a row at the start of them.

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