07162018 – CrossFit

I noticed this morning that it is starting to get noticeably darker now at 4:50am when my alarm goes off.  But it is still light out early which is nice for summer fun!  Today we had another longish warm-up that included planks, side planks, donkey kicks, and Jefferson Curls.

We are in the second week of the Sumo Deadlift cycle and we added 10lbs to last week’s heaviest weight.  That meant today I did 4×7 at 145lbs. After I put the 45# plates on I almost added 10# plates that would have been a big jump, but I caught my mistake and added the 5# plates like we were supposed to!  They definitely felt hard but not too horrible.

Here is a video of the Sumo Deadlift:

The MetCon was an easy couplet that could go on for infinity!  It was a 9 minute AMRAP off Burpees and American Swings.  The first round was 3 of each, then 6, then 9, etc. I completed the workout at the Platinum level with a 50# kettlebell.

Of course the first round flew by.  Then somewhere in the second round I screwed up on counting.  I think I did 9 burpees when I should have done 6.  Or maybe I was right.  Oh well.  That what happens sometimes.  The next round I did 9 again.  You would think it’d be easy to keep track of these things!   I finished the 9 minutes and completed 93 reps which meant that I made it through the round of 15 and got 3 swings in.  Oh… I think I realized what just happened.  In the second round I screwed up my order and started increasing the reps on the swings instead of the burpees.  So I was actually right when I did 9 burpees, I should have followed that with 9 swings.  Ugh.  Oh well.


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