06062018 – CrossFit

Another friendly lady to workout with… today was Helen.  I don’t really know many Helen’s but this workout wasn’t too bad!  We arrived at the gym in the middle of a thunderstorm that was really lighting up the sky and dropping a lot of water.

Given the conditions we were given the option for rowing instead of running.  Three of us chose to go ahead and run and we actually didn’t get rained on!  It actually felt good to get outside for a minute!

I have three previous scores for Helen:

10:19 with a 20# KB and ring rows (8/28/14)

11:01 with 35# KB and ring rows (5/27/15)

11:18 Russian swing with light KB and ring rows (6/25/14)

Today was significantly slower but with a 35# KB and Pull-ups.  Helen is

3 Rounds for Time

400 Meter Run

21 American Swings

12 Pull-Ups

Everything felt great for the first round.  I’m still really only able to do 3 pull-ups at a time. I have trouble cycling from the top of the bar down and back up again without pausing at the bottom.  The second round the pull-ups were getting harder and the swing started to hurt at the end.  In the last round I could feel my arms were toast and I was only able to do 2 pull-ups at a time.

I finished in 14:08. 

That’s a lot longer than last time, but also a good bit harder. I almost tried to do it Rx with a 50# kettlebell, I’m glad I didn’t! 

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