05222018 – CrossFit

Welcome back! With being sick and tapering I had been gone for over two weeks. That felt like forever. With Saturday’s bike race I probably shouldn’t have gone today, but it felt good to be back at Solcana! I didn’t push anything crazy hard, but you know it is hard to go too easy. And it was good to do mobility before and after the workout. 

The warmup was a PVC clean and jerk complex with 100m runs in between. The lifting section was a clean complex every 90 seconds. The complex was an above the knee clean, a full clean, ending with a split jerk. Every other set was supposed to be heavier ending with the last two between 80-85%. I ended with 85#. I probably could have gone heavier, but it was challenging without being overly strenuous! 

The gym has been playing around with how the MetCon portion of the workout is scaled and written. To be more inclusive we have done away with Rx and Scaled and make and female weights or movements. The workouts have four options based on color. 

Today’s workout I did as a blue… 

It was a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep scheme of the following triplet:

American Swing 35#

Goblet Squat


As an example of the scaling the “hardest” version was 50# kettlebell and handstand pushups. 

I finished in 11:11 I think. The pushups were my limiting factor. I did the first 10 unbroken and struggled to get through the rest of them. The last several sets were 1 at a time! 

I’m sure I’ll be sore, but hopefully not too sore!

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