I hadn’t realized we were in a “de-load” week at the gym but the 2 workouts I went to this week were a little easier! Today was an odd kettlebell warmup and a MetCon.
The warmup was “walking deads” with a kettlebell and bent presses with a kettlebell. The bent presses were hard, but not in the weight sense but in technique. The idea was the kettlebell shouldn’t move as you move under it. It felt really weird!
The MetCon was hard on the hamstrings! It was 3 Rounds for Time of:
500 meter row
12 Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps
Rx was body weight. I did it scaled plus as I did 185#’s on the deadlift and the box jumps at the Rx height of 24 inches. We were told to make sure we were using our hamstrings on the row instead of our quads which some said was game changing! I’m not as convinced, but trust the coach. I did notice my quads weren’t as burnt from this style. My overall time was 16:42.