04242018 – CrossFit

Doing an Rx workout is hard, but when you can pretty much do all the movements you gotta go for it!

But first we did a 9 minute Snatch EMOM.  The first 3 minutes was 3 reps at 55%, then 3 minutes of 2 reps at 65%, and then 3 minutes of 3 reps at 55%.  After warming up we jumped right in.  I started out with 65#’s on the bar and added 10#’s for 75#’s for the middle 6 reps. The weights were challenging, but not crushing. I need to be more patient and wait for the extension before getting underneath the bar and work on consistently getting down to proper depth.

The MetCon was a 21-15-9 Triplet with a 13 minutes time cap.  The 3 movements:

American Swing with a 50# Kettlebell


Toes to Bar

I finished in 11:30 and was the last one done in my class. Burpees usually slow me down and this was definitely the case.  My toes to bar are also a little rough – I’m not getting a good enough kip to get the toes to the bar, but my knees are coming up to my chest, so that’s close! Plus I just really started.  I had to break them down into sets of 3.

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