With school canceled I was able to go to the 9:30 class today instead of waking up super early for the 5:30. I did some light shoveling and even tired shoveling out a bus all before hitting the gym.
We started with accumulating 20 strict pullups. I did half before adding a thin band.
Then some heavy squats! 10×3 at 75%. For me that is 150, I did 155 and they got heavy quickly! I lost track of my sets, but got at least 10 done.
Afterwards we had a quick 6 minute AMRAP couplet of:
15 Wallballs 20#
40 double unders (80 single)
I was able to complete 3 rounds and 75 reps. I was so close to finishing the last round. Wallballs are hard after heavy squatting!