Spring (?) Flooding

It is a little past time for spring flooding, but with rain almost every day this week our ground is super saturated and many places can’t take any more water!  Today was at least the 3rd day in a row of storms and rain.  Today is actually the highest ever recorded rainfall in June for MN at just under 4 inches.  The storms caused major damage in some towns and closed streets in the Twin Cities. The storm also caused the Minnehaha Creek to reach its highest ever recorded flood stage.

While many levels of government were encouraging citizens to be careful, an extreme kayaker took the plunge over Minnehaha Falls.

From MPR:

Hunt Jennings Goes Over Falls

Ben Garvin at the Pioneer Press took this picture of the statue of Hiawatha and Minnehaha:


Ben takes great pictures for the Pioneer Press, check out his Twitter feed.

Here is a picture I took after work at Matthews Park of their playground:


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