30 Days: July into August

I had written this post and then it got lost in the vast world of frustrating space!

July’s challenge was to spend 15 minutes outside each day.  I’m pretty sure that I managed to do that.  There is only one day that I remember thinking back that I wasn’t sure if I did or not.  But I’m pretty sure I made up for it on others days, especially the last 2 which were almost entirely outside! A lot of my outdoor time was work related; recess, bike club, and bus duty. Another significant chunk was working out via bike commuting, running, and biking.  The rest of the time was playing with the kiddos and trying to find some quiet space on the front porch or in the backyard!

Mileage totals aren’t that exciting:

Running – 36.1 miles – some of this is taper, but realistically our schedule makes it hard to run any distance consistently.

Biking – 213.6 miles – a lot bike rides for work.

Crossfit – 12 out of 13 possible workout days based on a 3x’s a week schedule.

I’m not really sure what to do about getting my running mileage up. Obviously, I could cut out Crossfit, but I need the weight training and it is easy to make up at home if I can’t go to the box.  Getting a treadmill is probably the only workable solution but that’s expensive and doesn’t sound like fun at all!  At least it has been consistent throughout the year!

My August challenge is

Take a Picture a Day – I’ve done photo challenges in the past, mostly trying to take a picture a day for a year and while that created some cool pictures, I also got some fairly lame ones.  Do it for a month and be creative.  Avoid the weird 30 day challenges that show up on Facebook!

As you can already note, I’m doing good so far!

I can’t think of any specific additional goals for August.  The school year will be starting up soon so that will be a big transition getting back into the swing of work and the routine for the next 9 months.  I’d like to hit 100 miles again during Powderhorn 24, but I’m not going to put a ton of pressure on myself for that.  By the end of the month I should establish 3-5 goals for my school (work) year.

What are your goals for August?

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