May 2012

Here are my goals for 2012 and my progress towards them:

Goal #1: Finish Buffalo Triathlon on June 3.  1/4 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run. (Under 1:15)

The running has still been a little inconsistent, but the big race is coming up and I feel pretty good overall.  We will see on Sunday!

Goal #2: Improve on my Square Lake time from last year (1:58) 1/2 Mile Swim 16.5 Mile Bike 5 Mile Run

See above.

Goal #3: Use and write about the FIRST Method for my running. 5k for the spring and 10k for the fall.

We’ll have to scratch the spring attempt and retry for the fall.

Goal #4: Complete Project 345 Bible Reading plan – takes you through the New Testament in the year.

Reading some of the smaller books…

Goal #5: Read a variety of books (genre, style, authors).

I did finish Meb Keflezighi’s Run to Overcome.  I wasn’t super impressed.  He has had an amazing life and some great stories.  Watch for a fuller review later.  I didn’t have a lot of time to read this month.

Goal #6: Document my thoughts on at least 6 of the books I’ve read.

I’m planning to write a review of Meb’s book.

Goal #7: Blog.

  • Running  – not a very good job!
  • Midtown Phillips – averaging one post a day
  • Nadia – averaging one post every two weeks.

Goal #8: Project 365

I think I got one every day.  Sometimes it is a last minute, “Crap, I need to take a picture” and it isn’t very exciting.


Running: 31 miles

Swimming: 3.5 miles

Biking: 210 miles

LAST YEAR: I ran 57 miles, swam 0.8miles and 103 miles and 45 minutes on the bike.

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