Last year at this time, I outlined a few goals that I wanted to complete in 2011. Sadly, I didn’t meet all of them. As I noted during the year the camera goal was a little ambiguous. Looking back the Blog Regularly goal was pretty obvious, but again ambiguous and should have been broken down based on my several blogs. The Reading Books goal was a good goal, but I ended up not keeping good track of the books I read towards the end of the year. I read at least 18 books. You can look at the list and judge for yourself if there was variety or not. I completed my first triathlon and have already signed up for Square Lake again and Buffalo Triathlon.
Read 12 books with a variety of topics, genres, and styles. Done.
Complete a Triathlon Square Lake Short Course, September 10. 0.5 Mile Swim 16.5 Mile Bike 5 Mile Run. Done! I am a Triathlete! I unofficially finished in 1:58. Results still aren’t posted. Check out my full review. But I was happy and am thinking about doing it again next year.
Finish this YouVersion devotional plan (Bible Study). Done.
Make a substantial change to one of my programs at work. Done.
Blog Regularly. Kind of.
Learn how to use my digital camera and experiment with its features. Abandoned.
2011 Mileage:
Run: 449.66 miles
Bike: 1436.65 miles
Swim: 20,350 yards (12.7 miles)
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