Weekly Report

The whole getting out of bed to go for a run thing is tough. When I was in the routine of it, I never had a problem. But getting back into it has been hard.  That’s why there aren’t many week day runs, but I know that I need to do week day runs otherwise I won’t improve…

Bike commuting every day is keeping my bike mileage up.  And on Friday (a non-work day) I actually did all 3 triathlon disciplines.  I went for an easy run in the morning, biked to a meeting, and swam at the YWCA (before riding home in the rain)!   I was tired afterwards and a little dehydrated, but that didn’t stop me from having a good run Saturday morning. After the run I stopped by the soccer field near our house and did some plyometrics on its fake grass surface barefoot.  The ground was still quite cold, but it felt good!!

I met up with the Team World Vision crew for one of their Saturday morning runs and we did 40 minutes.  I wore my heart rate monitor, but turned off the beepers and actually did pretty good, my average was just outside the proper zone.  Except, I’m not sure how accurate it was, because it said my max pulse was 217.  I don’t remember ever feeling like my pulse was that high and I think you’d remember that!  It was a cooler morning with a bit of drizzle at the start before we ran along the West River Road.

Sunday was another easy 5 mile run.  I headed downtown and then ended up taking a somewhat random route home through the West Bank.  I forgot to turn the beeps back on for the heart rate monitor but again did pretty good at keeping my average in the proper zone. It was a gorgeous morning.

Your Training for 04/18/2011 – 04/24/2011

View Training Log Workout
Miles: 53.28 Comments: 3
Time: 01:57 Motivations: 0
Calories: 3690 Among Friends: 10
Workouts: 9 Overall Position: 2289

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