4 thoughts on “Foto Friday

  1. Andy

    I always wanted to go out there to run when I was working in Indy last year. Now I'm regretting never doing it.

  2. Mike

    Nice picture, where in Indy is the park (I kind of remember it being on the east side but its been too many years) and how many miles of trails do they have? We go down to Indy (Carmel) every year at Christmas and I have thought about driving over to it but never have.

    There snow melted when we were there and I was able to run in shorts. I do miss the Indy weather.

    1. crossn81 Post author

      Hi Mike,
      It would be odd to run into you on the trail in Indiana since we've never met here in Mpls! It is on the North East side in Lawrence near Post Rd and 56th Street. Website.

      There are about 6 miles of trails (not counting the horse trails). There is also a 2.75 mile loop that is paved. Two races go through the park, the Indianapolis Marathon in October uses the road and DINO 5k & 15k in November uses the trails.

      You should check it out.


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