I’ve slowly been trying to increase my mileage since I am still fighting off the Plantar Fasciitis. This week was the longest yet in 2010 at 13 miles, I know impressive? I feel like I’m getting stronger (running-wise) and haven’t seen an increase in heel pain. I don’t think I’ve seen a decrease in pain either, though it is hard to tell for sure. I’ve gone 2x’s now to a free wellness clinic and gotten a massage, specifically on my foot as well as chiropractic work on my foot. Last week was more of a chiropractic massage really digging in and put some foot bones back in alignment. I got a lot of pain relief from that session, but not as much this week. They are students, which is why it is free, so I might need to suggest that they work on my legs and hips too.
On Tuesday morning I woke up with the alarm and felt very awake so I jumped out of bed and got a 5k loop in. It felt pretty good. I need to be setting my alarm earlier, because it is hard to get even a 3 mile run in as well as the PT and stretching that I need to be doing. I was very happy to run in the morning!
I didn’t run again until Thursday. I knew that if I wanted to get the run in I would just have to do it right after work, but also knew that I still wouldn’t have a lot of time. So I ran home from work. It ended up being farther than I remembered but was a good 4 mile run. It took a little while to get warmed up and relaxed (maybe hampered by the fact I was running with my wallet, cell phone, and keys). It was 39 degrees so I opted to run home in shorts! A little cold on my knees but it felt great.
My third run was the Sunday morning 6.5 with the guys around the Get in Gear loop. We split into two groups about a mile or so into it and I opted to stay with the back group and we had a nice and relaxed run. It was overcast but still 36 so another great morning to be out on the trails.
Overall it was a pretty long week. Several late nights and long days made for a pretty exhausted guy come Friday night. Though we enjoyed watching Invictus, which brought back memories of my time in South Africa.
As the title says, I’m ready to start increasing my mileage. I’m going to do this by adding a 4th day of running, though probably not this week. I’m going on a 2 night, 3 day field trip with 104 7th graders to Wolf Ridge. Should be a lot of fun, but don’t know if I’ll have the time to sneak in a run. There will also still be significant snow on the ground there too. I need to pick a race to train for so that I have that extra motivation to get out there.
How was your week? What is your next race?
This Week’s One Post is a short preview of the Human Race 8k that I wrote in 2008 when I signed up for it. Back in January, I thought I might be in shape to run it this year, though it isn’t looking good on that front. Probably not a good idea to run the 5k either.
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