This past week was a blur. We closed on our house on Tuesday and have been working on it since then. We’ve cleaned, painted, moved, cleaned again, and done some needed repairs. Man am I exhausted. I did manage to squeeze my miles in – a much needed break from the stress.
Past Posts
We all want to get faster, striding is one way to accomplish that. USATF is trying to be a better, friendlier organization. One way they are doing that is through a CEO Blog, my thoughts. Want to know what it is like to live with HIV/AIDS, the World Vision Experience helps you understand. A nice 5k loop with great views and wildlife is Pike Island, one of my favorites. Foto Friday was in honor of my wedding anniversary.
Last Year’s Mileage
Run: 33.3 Miles
Bike: 48.0 Miles
This Week’s Running
Tuesday morning I ran alone, since we would need the evening to work on our house. I ran 7.5 miles on the Minneapolis Riverfront loop. I finished in just under an hour. It was 59 and humid. I did at least 8 “fast intervals”.
Thursday was a 5 mile run on the Greenway. It was 60 and humid. I ran this “tempo” run in 39:11.
Friday I went to the gym again and stretched, foam rolled my IT band, and relaxed in the hot tub. This has been really helpful in keeping my leg loose, which helps my foot.
Saturday we ran from the Nokomis Community Center to and around Lake Harriet getting about 11 miles in. I finished in 1:26. It was 60 and humid, again! Most of the run was at 7:30 pace and I got dropped about 8 miles into the run. They came back once, picked me up, and then picked the pace back up! Oh well.
This Week’s Mileage
Run: 23.5 Miles