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I had a great post all written and kapooey – the server went down and I lost it. So I’ll try and recreate it the best I can!
I had great plans and aspirations for this week since it was my spring break. I thought, “I can sleep in, get some great training runs in and feel great.” Well that isn’t what happened. I did get to sleep in, but sadly it was due more to the need of sleep to get over a little bug. It is probably the combination of traveling, staying up late, and all the weather changes but I got a little mucus stuck in my throat and lungs so I took some time off to recoup and beat it before the race in 2 short weeks!
Monday – Run 3 miles at an easy pace, then speed up to goal half marathon pace for 7 miles. Run one more mile at an easy pace to cool down. Having spent 15 hours in a car the day before and not getting a ton of sleep I opted to just do an easy run this morning. It was great 40 degrees with a slight rain. I ran along the Prairie Path in Wheaton, IL which was a little muddy but still had solid footing. I was going to just do 5 but I felt good and kept going to add the extra mile. My overall run was 6 miles in 46:25.
Tuesday – Run 6 miles easy. Run 5 acceleration strides. I spent 7 hours in a bus yesterday and got to Minneapolis with over 5 inches of snow on the ground. By the time I ran most of the Greenway had been plowed, there were still icy parts and connecting trails from the Greenway to Lake Calhoun still had all the snow on them. I did yesterday’s “tempo” workout today minus 2 miles of the pace work. My leg still didn’t feel 100%. I did the 5 mile tempo in 38:46, pretty lame if you ask me and about a minute per mile slower than it should have been. My overall run was 9 miles in 1:12:46.
Wednesday – Run 2 x 800/1200/3200 meter supersets. Run 800 meters at 5K pace, 1200 meters at 10K pace and 3200 meters at goal half marathon pace. Do not rest between the distances. Recover between the sets with 800 meters at an easy pace. Cool down with 800 meters at an easy pace. I had planned on doing an easy run today, but awoke feeling a little sick and sore and just plain yucky and tired. So I opted to go to the gym and biked for 8 miles in 30:35. It felt good and wasn’t too strenuous. I also took advantage of being at the YWCA to get some good stretching in.
Thursday – Run 4 miles easy. Run 5 acceleration strides. I planned on doing the superset workout today if I woke up feeling healthy. But I actually felt worse and so opted for a day-off despite fore-casted temps in the 50’s. AHH just a little frustrating. But I want to be healthy in 2 weeks so a day off now is better than later!
Friday – Run 4 miles easy. Run 5 acceleration strides. Another beautiful day wasted away at home.
Saturday – Standard warm up. Run 8 miles at goal half marathon pace. We were camping up north, I had brought clothes but opted not to run on the trails, which turned out to be a good thing since they were still ice and snow covered, or very muddy!
Sunday – Rest Day! I did rest!!
Total Mileage: 15 miles in 1:58:25 and 8 miles on the bike!
[tags] Half Marathon, Training [/tags]
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