There is a good amount of races this weekend. I’ll be at the DINO race but would recommend the Miriam Project for a good 5K.
Remember that the IndyClassic Marathon date has been changed to Nov 3. This is NOT the same as the Indianapolis Marathon on October 20.
The IU Mini Marathon and 5K begins at 8am (8:15 for 5K). It does appear to have race day registration. This event is hosted by Tuxbro and is located at Indiana University in Bloomington.
The Firefighters 5K is located in Cambridge City and starts at 9am. This is the 5th of 8 races in the Wayne County Challenge.
The inaugural Running for World Water 5K Fun Run and Walk is being held in downtown Indianapolis at the NCAA Hall of Champions. It begins at 9am and all participants will receive a FREE entry into the NCAA Hall of Champions Museum. All proceeds from this event go towards Water for People and the event is being managed by Standing O Promotions.
The Miriam Project 5K Run/Walk (pdf) is located at the new Madison Park Church of God in Anderson. The event begins at 9am with all proceeds benefiting the Miriam Project Adoption Ministry. This is part of the all day Health & Wellness Fair.
DINO Series Race #5 is being held at 9am at the Town Run Trail Park located on 96th Street in Indianapolis (just west of Allisonville Rd.). This is a 15K and 5K trail race. This beings the fall sub-series.
Lifestream Services 5K is a new event being held in Morrow Meadows in Yorktown and begins at 9am. This is a new public event being held in conjunction with their Senior Games, all proceeds benefit Lifestream Services.
Sunday September 9th
Enlisted Dining Out 5K Run/Walk is being held at the Terre Haute International Airport and begins at 9am.
Jason Baker Scholarship Run and Walk is being held in Crown Hill, Indianapolis at 9am. This event is listed on Tuxbro’s website but no other information is given. It is supposed to be a 5 mile run.
Weekend Weather
Technorati tags: 5K, 15K, Half Marathon, running, weekend