Note: There has been some problems with the e-mail functioning correctly, so those receiving this by e-mail make sure you scroll to the bottom of each message. There could be more than one post!
I only found three races this weekend, so stay out late and watch some high school football!! On a note about high school, I don’t plan on covering high school and middle school cross country meets. There are just so many events and schools in Central Indiana and it would take a herculean effort to keep up with them all.
That said if you e-mail me updates I will post a summary once a week or you can check out these high school focused sites:
- Hoosier Authority (mostly Central Indiana schools)
- ECI Runner (East Central Indiana schools)
- Run Indiana (mostly North East Indiana schools)
Now for the race info!
ICADV 4th Annual 10K and 5K Race Away From Domestic Violence: A Tenderness Tour Event at the Indiana War Memorial begins at 7:40. This race hosted by Ken Long & Associates benefits the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Weather permitting there will be hot air balloons.
Union Hospital Health Group’s 5K for United Way (pdf) begins at 9am in the Clara Fairbanks parking lot at Union Hospital’s campus in Terre Haute. Proceeds from this 4th annual event go towards the local United Way.
Friends of Seelyville 5K begins at 9am in the small town of Seelyville (near Terre Haute). This looks like a pretty cheap race entry. All proceeds benefit the town’s street fair.

Technorati tags: running, football, cross country, 5K, 10K