Tag Archives: squat

06182018 – CrossFit

Squats… slowing way down. Yes, slow tempo squats were up today.  Tempo squats mean lighter weights but slowing down the movement does get hard.  Today’s scheme was 5×2 at 55-65% with the tempo being 5 seconds down, 3 second hold, fast up, 5 seconds at the top, 5 seconds down, 3 second hold, fast up.   I went for 115# for today and that was a good amount. It feels weird to slow down and especially the 3 second hold seems like forever.  My body didn’t want to just sit there! It was extra challenging (maybe mostly mental) to force the last bit down to full depth.  To help keep the tempo, Jeff used a 60 beats per minute playlist on Spotify.  The music felt really slow compared to our usual!

We then did 3×10 Good Mornings.  I used a 45# bar for those. With the combination of the lighter bar and back to regular “CrossFit” music these felt really easy!

The MetCon was another running one!! This is an easy one to do anywhere as long as you have 400 meters mapped out.  The alley was flooded so we did the sidewalk again.  The temps were cooler but it was still fairly humid.  The workout was 400m run – 40 squats – 400m run – 40 lunges – 400m run.  I finished this in 8:47.  It was suprising how jello-y the legs felt after squatting and good morninging.  And then after the air squats and lunges.  Oh man.  It felt a lot like a Brick Workout in triathlon training.  I’ll probably re-test this throughout the summer.