Tag Archives: Bottled water

How Much Do You Spend on Bottled Water?

According to the Science Museum of MN, the average American drinks 26 gallons of bottled water a year.  That is about 416 8oz bottles of water.   That adds up to a lot money!  World Vision estimates that it can dig a well for $13,700.  If 33 people gave up bottled water for a year and gave that money to World Vision a village could have a healthy and safe water source!

Watch the video!


Find out more.

A deep well fitted with a hand pump can provide up to 2,800 gallons of safe water a day to benefit as many as 300 people! In many communities, clean water lies hundreds of feet below layers of hard rock. Children have no choice but to walk long distances to find water that is often dirty and disease-ridden. When our drilling teams strike water, entire villages erupt in celebration because a clean water source can cut a community’s child mortality rate by as much as half. –  Well page

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Water Sources

Check out this video created by Team World Vision.


Can you imagine drinking water like that? Our water isn’t anywhere close to that and yet we spend tons of money on bottled water!  Take a second today and support clean water projects in Africa.

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