The plan had been to get up and run and then do 10am CrossFit while one child was doing the CrossFit Kids program. But I was definitely feeling tired from the late Friday night and didn’t wake up with time to run, recover, and CrossFit. I’m kind of glad I didn’t because the workout was hard enough as it was!
The warm-up was a tempo push-up EMOM with 3 push-ups each minute following a 3 second down, 3 second hold at bottom, and regular pace back up. It was only 21 push-ups but the tempo caught up to you!
The strength portion was a Power Snatch workout. Another EMOM with 5 Power Snatches per minute for 8 minutes. The plan was start light and end up at a challenging weights. I started with the empty bar and progressed from there. So I did 45, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85. The last 5 at 85 was definitely challenging. The combination of the weight and the volume was tough!
Then the MetCon. I ended up doing the Silver as written which meant my weights were a little light, but I can’t do Toes 2 Bar. I need to work on the kipping motion to really make progress I think. The weight for silver was 55#. The class was full so there weren’t any 35# bars left so I opted for the 45# with small 5# plates which meant I was a little lower starting on the deadlifts so I didn’t take them back the floor. But also 55# deadlift was pretty light for me. So the workout was 5 rounds for time of 10 Toes to Shoulder, 10 Shoulder to Overhead (I did Push Jerks), and 10 Deadlifts all with the same barbell. I finished at exactly the 8 minute mark. This was no joke of a workout!