11012018 – CrossFit

Today was a Professional Development day at work which meant that I was able to go to the 5:30 AM class at Solcana this morning.  It was nice to be there! I should get to go next week too!

Thursday’s have been longer MetCon days.  Today was a fun partner MetCon that I did with Mike.  Well, first we started out with some shoulder stretching and Wall Walking! Being upside down has gotten easier, but the shoulder tapping felt really hard today.

On to the MetCon. It was actually 3 different sections.  Mike and I completed the Gold standards.

The first part was a 12 minute AMRAP alternating partners each round of

12 kettlebell to overhead (snatch) with a 35# kettlebell

9 box jumps (20 inch box)

6 burpees

3 minute rest and then…

Full depth clean ladder in 5 minutes.  After each partner we had to add 5#’s which meant I was jumping 10#’s between each lift.  We started at 75#’s and I did the last clean at 135#.

Then.. we had a minute of rest and then max effort plank.  When the first partner quit it was over.

For the first section we finished 8 rounds and 16 reps. I switched arms on the KB after 6 reps and Mike alternated each round. It all felt good.  The KB weight didn’t feel easy, but wasn’t too heavy either, I think the 53 would have been too much.

Like I said for the Clean Ladder I started at 75 and then did 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, and 135. It all happened pretty quickly and we pretty much kept moving the entire 5 minutes.  You were either lifting, changing plates, or trying to catch your breath! 135 is my 1 rep max for the full clean, I’ve done 155 in the power clean. So that was pretty cool!

The plank felt like forever but was really only 1 minute.  I was the one to stop first for our team.  Planking kicks my butt!

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