Because of a regularly scheduled meeting I’ll still get to make the 5:30am CrossFit at least once a month! That happened to be today!! It was nice to be with my crew again.
This morning was the first day of the new cycle and we did some heavy deadlifting! 7×4 at 70% with a full reset on the ground between each rep. My partner and I lost track, but we got 7 sets in at 195. They were heavy, but the reset and small number of reps made it doable. After the 7×4 we had to do 20 Touch and Go Sumo Deadlifts at a challenging weight. We dropped the bar to 135 and by about 15 I was pretty much done. I did finish the 20 though.
The MetCon was a 9 minute EMOM with three different movements. Minute 1 was was 20 pistols or the variation you could do – 24 in box with a 45 and 25lb plate. Minute 2 was a 30# dumbbell snatch. Minute 3 was max effort Toes 2 Bar – my variation is getting my hanging knee raises really high! The score was the total number of T2B after the 3 rounds. Each round I got more done, with the most in the last round. My total number of reps was 53.
It was a solid day!