Another long warm-up to start us off today. It was a 9 minute EMOM with a different movement for 3 minutes and then repeating. It was a 30 second row at moderate pace, 10 straight leg box jumps (landing) from seated, and 10 double kettlebell cleans. I was definitely warm after that!
Then we did some clean drills before doing 7×3 Hang Cleans working towards a Heavy 3. It was hard to figure out the jumps between sets, but the goal was to get to at least the 5th round. I did a warm-up round at 65 and then did 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, and 110. I failed on my third attempt at 105, but was able to get it up again. So the last 3 felt pretty tough. Each round started every 90 seconds.
I was pretty tired after that and we still had the MetCon! It was a 40-30-20-10 workout with 2 movements and 100 single unders after each round! The movements were sit-ups and Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 50# kettlebell. I finished under the 13 minute time cap, but I can’t remember my time and it isn’t posted yet. I think it was like 12:13 or something. It was tough!