After a tricep warmup we jumped into a 20 minute EMOM. This one proved to be a little trickier than it first looks:
Minute 1: 60 double unders/120 single unders
Minute 2: 12 pullups
Minute 3: Double Kettlebell hold (in the front rack)
Minute 4: Rest
The rest felt really good! And the jump rope really got the heart moving. We were told that we should aim to have 10-15 seconds at the end of each minute to recover – so scale the reps accordingly. I was able to complete 6 kipping pullups in that time frame, I could maybe have gotten 2 or 3 more, but definitely not the full 12 in a minute. My kips could still use a LOT of work! I was able to get one 70# kettlebell into the front rack, but not a second one. So I moved down to the 53# kettlebell. For 2 rounds… it got really heavy to hold it for the full minute. I finished the last 3 rounds with a 40# dumbbell and that was plenty challenging!
And that was the day!