August felt really short and really long. The short part was that we went camping for a few days and then boom, I had to start back to work. The transition back to working seemed harder this year. It could be because it was earlier in the calendar and maybe also the fact that my work day now starts at 7:30am. The good side of that is that it ends at 3:30, well is supposed to end at 3:30!
It was a good month overall though. Camping, my family visiting, rode in Powderhorn 24, had a friend from college visit, reconnecting with co-workers, and doing a short triathlon at the last minute! I didn’t do any blogging, though I wrote some posts. We continued to work on getting our house unpacked and settled!
My running and biking stats might as well be non-existent. It seems pretty much unlikely that I’ll hit my goals. I’m at 50% of my running at 43% of my biking goal so unless something dramatically changes – which won’t because I’m going to focus on Crossfit for the next 8 weeks. I was much more consistent at getting to Crossfit now that life has gotten more routine.
I did manage to get outside for 15 minutes or more every day but one this month. I can’t remember why, but August 19 I didn’t make it outside for any chunks of time.
My goal for September is to read one chapter out of the Book of Proverbs in the Bible.
How was your August?