April 2012

I’ve really been struggling to get all my workouts in each week.  It seems like I can get up one morning, but then struggle the next.  The 5:15 alarm makes it tough and knowing that some days I have to be home by 6am it is easy to psyche myself out.  April was 30 Days of Biking and I did pretty good with riding every day.  I missed riding 7 days which is a lot more than I thought.

Here are my goals for 2012 and my progress towards them:

Goal #1: Finish Buffalo Triathlon on June 3.  1/4 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run. (Under 1:15)

I’ve been getting plenty of swimming and biking in, but the running has been a little harder. Bike commuting is really helping build leg strength as I tow the trailer around.  I also got a new bike!  Thanks to Bikesdirect.com I got a new Motobecane Fantom CX.

Goal #2: Improve on my Square Lake time from last year (1:58) 1/2 Mile Swim 16.5 Mile Bike 5 Mile Run

See above.

Goal #3: Use and write about the FIRST Method for my running. 5k for the spring and 10k for the fall.

I’ve not been following it strictly, ok mostly not at all.  I’ve done some fartlek runs and some tempo runs but nothing consistent.  I’m not even getting the mileage in consistently.  Ugh.

Goal #4: Complete Project 345 Bible Reading plan – takes you through the New Testament in the year.

Finishing up the Book of Luke.

Goal #5: Read a variety of books (genre, style, authors).

I finished the Hunger Games series by reading Mocking Jay, I was a little disappointed in the ending.  We actually borrowed it from a friend so I was able to save my April Lending Library book for Meb Keflezighi’s Run to Overcome, but I haven’t finished it yet.  We also finished an interesting book called Nomad Diaries, we’d been reading it for a long time.  It started out as a decent novel about a refugee family from Somali and about half way through became really weird. It started out realistic and then the author just kept adding more and more drama to the story line that seemed unrealistic.

Goal #6: Document my thoughts on at least 6 of the books I’ve read.

I’m planning to write a review of Meb’s book.

Goal #7: Blog.

  • Running  – not a very good job!
  • Midtown Phillips – averaging one post a day
  • Nadia – averaging one post every two weeks.

Goal #8: Project 365

My goal for April was to take a bike related picture each day in honor of 30 Days of Biking and I did a really good job.  Only one day did I post a picture not related to biking and that was mostly because I was able to get a really sweet shot of downtown that couldn’t incorporate  a bike! See for yourself.   These are my 3 favorites:

Running: 32.5 miles

Swimming: 4.1 miles

Biking: 224 miles

LAST YEAR: I ran 49 miles, swam 500 yards and 136.3 miles and 46 minutes on the bike.  Last year I also ran the MDRA Mudball race during April but we were working the nursery that morning so I couldn’t make it.

One thought on “April 2012

  1. erika hester


    My name is Erika Hester and I am writing to you from Team LIVESTRONG in Austin, TX. We are excited to announce the launch of the 2013 LIVESTRONG Austin Marathon and Half Marathon on June 1st! We wanted to reach out to run blogs such as Team Cross Runs to see if you would be interested in posting a Team LIVESTRONG blog on or around the marathon launch date of June 1st. If you are willing, I could email you a Team LIVESTRONG blog for you to use, but if you’d rather use a blog of your own that would be great too! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Thank you so much for your time and consideration in helping to promote Team LIVESTRONG.

    p 512.236.8820 Ext. 2012
    f 512.236-8482 http://www.livestrong.org


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