Getting Motivated

It has still been a struggle to get up in the morning and go for a run.  The sun is starting to creep up earlier and earlier each morning and that is helping.  Plus I’ve got my morning routine down and I just need to take the first step and break it.  Another more legitimate excuse is that after the bad experience of running on unplowed paths, I’m being extra picky about running surfaces.  I’ve talked previously about my struggle to get up in the morning and making it to the gym.  But with one more physical therapy appointment my morning schedule should open up a little bit!

I did manage a whooping 8 miles this week over 2 runs.   The first was 4 miles on the indoor track at the YWCA.  It is 6 laps per mile.  I was planning to go workout at the YWCA after work and it also happened that my school’s basketball teams were playing a double header there too.  I missed the girls game but got to see over half of the boy’s game while running laps above them.  Some of the students noticed me and started yelling “go Mr Cross!”  The next day one of the girls said, “Mr Cross you are too skinny to be working out!”  I thanked her and went on my way.

The second 4 miler was from my house to the Midtown Greenway.  It is plowed by the county and they do an excellent job.  It was a beautiful morning to go out and run.  It was cold and windy, but we had a freezing fog so there was a beautiful layer of frost/ice on everything, see some pictures here.  It was a simple out and back and overall the footing wasn’t too bad.  Some icy spots and I stepped into some slush that wasn’t frozen solid.  A good comfortable run.

For Valentine’s Day we went to Lebanon Hills and did a few miles of snow shoeing.  I forgot my garmin, but we had fun wandering off the trail, walking across lakes, and enjoying the beautiful morning.  Shortly after we got done another snow storm moved in!

Did you have a good week? Any motivation tips?

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