Still haven’t run. Foot goes off and on from hurting. I’ve also had some IT and hip pain lingering from the marathon. I wondered why everything still hurt so much then I realized it has only been two weeks!! We’ve been doing a lot of work on our house so it hasn’t all been lazing around on that front either.
Previous Posts
This comes a little late for most of us, but some of you are in the midst of a taper. Have you heard about Bad Ben? He’s stopped writing much on his blog but he has some crazy stories. Green this and Green that – what about Eco Gyms. I was amazed and pleased that last year I surpassed my fundraising goal for Team World Vision. I wrote up a final sumamry. Foto Friday was of my first recovery run post marathon on the Mississippi River.
Here is a random update on the catheter story. My wife, the nurse, informed me that my picture on my previous post about the story was incorrect. Here is a more accurate picture.