Local Marathoner Catches Thief

A St. Paul marathoner and medical researcher – Mark Laliberte – saw a robbery and took action.  The thief took about $350 from the coffee shop inside St Joseph’s hospital.  Laliberte happened to see it and decided to take action.  Initially confronting the thief and tackling him inside the hospital, Laliberte got caught up in the suit coat he was wearing which allowed the suspect get free.  After removing the sports coat Laliberte proceeded to run the thief down.

Used to running 6:30 pace Laliberte a marathon and triathlon veteran mustered up some sprinting speed and chased the thief for several blocks in downtown St. Paul.  Eventually Laliberte caught and wrestled the thief to the ground before horse collaring him and dragging him back to the hospital.  Eventually the hospital security and St. Paul Police arrived to help!

Once they were back in the hospital, Laliberte gave the suspect a quick leg sweep that he remembered from his college kickboxing days and brought the man to the ground. With his knee on his back, Laliberte waited to for hospital security and the St. Paul cops, who placed the man under arrest.

“We don’t usually suggest that people chase down suspects,” said St. Paul Police spokesman Peter Panos. “We usually suggest that people be good witnesses.”

This marathon-hero story brought to you by the Star-Tribune. A quick search of MarathonGuide.com showed a Mark Laliberte, but the ages didn’t match up.

Would you chase a criminal down the street??

[tags] Marathon, Robbery, St. Paul [/tags]

2 thoughts on “Local Marathoner Catches Thief

  1. Blaine Moore

    I don't know that I would necessarily chase somebody down, but I couldn't really say without being in the situation. I could see it under some circumstances, but probably not under most. I'd be more likely to call 911 and serve as a witness.


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