Race Results from December 1

It didn’t seem like a good weekend for racing, but that didn’t stop many brave souls from venturing out and competing well.

2007 Sleigh Bell 5K was won by Dave Nordhielm, 40 of West Lafayette, in 17:54 (5:46) about 30 seconds ahead of second place.  Andrea Blocher, 43 of West Lafayette, won the female division in 18:40 (6:01) about 2 minutes ahead of second place and 4th overall.  249 finished this Ken Long event.

Tecumseh Trail Marathon was won by Nicholas Johnson, of Huntington, IN, in an impressive 3:03:55 (7:01) about a minute ahead of second place.  Marla Luckey, of Champaign IL won the female division in 3:47:05 (8:40) almost 4 minutes ahead of second place and 30th overall. 453 finished the marathon distance. The 5.5 Mile Fun Run was won by Scott Weaver of Indianapolis in 37:41 (6:51) about 10 seconds ahead of second place.  Amanda Holzhausen, of McCordsville, won the female division in 40:28 (7:21)about 1:30 ahead of second place and 6th overall. 76 finished the fun run.  Both are DINO events.

Frostbite 5K was won by Jeremiah Vaughan, 18, in 16:01 (5:09) over a minute ahead of second place.  Pam Mertz, 39, won the female division in 19:06 (6:08) about 1:30 ahead of second place and 17th overall.  225 finished this event hosted by the Easter Seals and part of the Wayne County Challenge.

CKRR Charity Run 5K was won by Jeff Hemmeger in 19:07 (6:09) about 15 seconds ahead of second place.  Heather Weber won the female division in 21:32 (6:55) in 11th place overall. 65 finished the 5K. Mary Miller won the 3 Mile Walk in 39:08 (13:02). 21 finished the walk.

Kris Kringle 4 Mile was won by Ethan Ferguson, 17 of New Castle, in 24:25 (6:06) about 10 seconds ahead of second place. Pam Mertz, 39 of Richmond, won the female division in 25:32 (6:23) not bad for racing two days in a row! she was about 2 minutes ahead of second place and 7th overall.  Friends of mine from Taylor finished 10th and 14th.  74 finished this 4 mile event. The 3 mile walk was won by Greg Callahan, 57, in 33:12 (11:04).  



Yesterday’s Workout

I was at the gym again, I used a rowing machine for about 15 minutes, the computer was broken.  This was my first time on a rowing machine, it is a very different feeling.  You feel a little burn in your legs, but a lot in your back and shoulders.  I need to do some research to make sure my form was correct.  I followed this with 15 minutes on the elliptical machine.  It was a nice 30 minute aerobic workout!


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2 thoughts on “Race Results from December 1

  1. Anonymous

    Are you focusing more on crosstraining and building your core? Also, are you following a running plan now that your big races have ended?

  2. Anderson Runner

    I am currently focusing my workouts on cross training, giving my legs a break and also hoping my foot will heal up. I am not currently following any set plan, I won't again really until I find a race for the spring!


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